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26 Novembre 2020 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis


The Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Program (SGP/GEF) is a financial mechanism that aims to find local solutions to global environmental problems. It is exclusively intended for civil society organizations (NGOs, Development Associations and community based organizations), to which it provides technical and financial support for the implementation of community projects that can contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources and the protection of the environment.

Initiated in 1992, the SGP/GEF is financed by the Global Environment Facility, implemented by UNDP and executed by UNOPS. It is currently operational in 125 countries.

In Tunisia, the SGP/GEF effectively started in 1993. Since then, it has been supporting community-based sustainable development initiatives related to following thematic  :

– Biodiversity,

-Climate Change

-Land Degradation

-Sustainable forest management

-International Waters


Duties and Responsibilities
Post’s Organizational Accountability 
  • Effective technical, financial, and operational management of the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Programme and its portfolio.​
  • Effective managerial function, by building an effective SGP Country Programme team and foster teamwork within the SGP Country Programme team, the National Steering Committee members, and with the UNDP Country Office team.
  • Mobilize and leverage financial and other resources as well as establish strong partnerships at the programme and project levels for sustained and scaled up initiatives.
  • Effectively facilitate knowledge management, share and exchange knowledge on lessons learnt and best practices of SGP programme and projects.

1. Managerial Functions

  • Supervise the SGP Country Programme team members and provide necessary guidance and coaching;
  • Promote and maintain effective teamwork within the SGP Country Programme team, the National Steering Committee members, and with the UNDP CO team;
  • Prepare and implement annual workplan, including strategic and/or innovative initiatives, with set delivery and co-financing targets; draft annual SGP Country Office administrative and project operational budget proposal
  • Set annual performance parameters and learning objectives for the SGP Country Programme team, assess their performance and provide feedback;

2. Programme/Portfolio Development and Management 

  • Keep abreast of national environmental concerns and priorities as well as the socio-economic conditions and trends as they relate to the SGP, and assess their impact on SGP’s work and programme.
  • Ensure formulation and implementation of the Country Programme Strategy (CPS), and its periodic review and update;
  • Manage the SGP grant allocations and country operating budget, maintain the financial integrity of the programme by ensuring adherence to SGP Standard Operating Procedures as well as UNOPS rules and regulations, and ensure timely and effective use of SGP resources;
  • Exercise quality control over the development of a portfolio of project ideas and concepts, and closely monitor the programme implementation progress and results;
  • Organize periodic stakeholder workshops and project development sessions for civil society organizations (CSOs) and local communities, and potential applicants and other stakeholders to inform about SGP and its Strategic Initiatives;
  • Work closely with CSOs and CBOs in preparation of project concepts and proposals to ensure that projects fit with the SGP Strategic Initiatives, Country Programme Strategy, and technical guidance notes;
  • Authorize and manage project planning grants as required.
  • Oversee ongoing SGP grant projects, and conduct periodic project monitoring field visits and provide technical and operational support and guidance to SGP grantees as required;
  • Plan and serve as secretary to the National Steering Committee meetings. Support and closely coordinate with the National Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Group where relevant, in the process of project proposal review, selection and approval, especially the initial appraisal of proposals and assessment of eligibility.
  • Foster programme, project, and policy linkages between the SGP and the full or medium-sized GEF projects, planned or underway in the country, as well as those of other government, donors and development partners.
  • Report periodically to CPMT on programme implementation status, including annual monitoring reporting, financial reporting, audit, and update the relevant UNOPS and SGP databases.
  • Undertake monitoring and evaluation of SGP Country Programme and projects, and grantmaker+ initiatives, in coordination with NSC and CPMT
  • Perform and coordinate administrative tasks (i.e. procurement, travel) adhering to SGP SOPs procurement rules and regulation; as required for programme implementation

3. Resource Mobilization and Partnerships


  • Establish and maintain close working relationships with stakeholders as well as promote the value, comparative advantages, and ensure visibility of the SGP.
  • Assess interest and priorities of key donors and other development partners, and develop/update and implement the resource mobilization and partnership strategy to mobilize resources from and develop partnerships with the government, donors and other partners to best leverage SGP resources and develop programme level partnerships.
  • Support SGP grantees in securing co-financing and project level partnerships, and assist in identifying opportunities and resources for sustaining and scaling up projects.

4. Knowledge Management 

  • Document programme/project stories, lessons learned, and best practices in SGP programme/project development, implementation, and oversight;
  • Access SGP and other global and regional knowledge, distill best practices and facilitate their dissemination and incorporation within SGP Country Programme and projects, UNDP CO, and to counterparts and partners;
  • Support capacity building and networking of grantees to facilitate knowledge exchange, and promote uptake through Knowledge platforms, Knowledge fairs etc.


Sound SGP programme results and impacts, in alignment with national strategies and priorities and SGP strategy and approaches, that contribute to transformational change in society and economy to conserve the global environment and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, Innovative, technically sound and socially inclusive grant portfolio is developed and implemented.  Effective and efficient use of resources to create maximum project/programme impact.  Increased trust by clients and donors and increased opportunities for visibility, partnerships and co-financing.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Competencies Excellent teamwork, people management and interpersonal skills. Excellent analytical, writing, and communication skills Strong negotiation, conflict resolution and problem-solving skills.
  • Education: Master's, Bachelors in environment or natural resource management, Environmental Economics, Development, Business Administration or similar field.
  • Experience: Minimum of 6 years with master's degree/ 7 years with bachelor's degree/ 8 years with License degree or equivalent. At least 3 years of relevant experience in environment and development work, which should include programme management, preferably with an extended specialized experience in any of the GEF-SGP thematic areas at the national level
  • Language Requirements: Fluency in Arabic and French. Working knowledge in English
  • IT skills Proficiency in standard computer software (word-processing, excel, presentations, databases and internet)

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 17 novembre 2020

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