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(offre en Anglais) UNDP is looking for an Information Communications Technology (ICT) Assistant Intern Retour vers les opportunités


15 Octobre 2017 Il y a 7 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

LocationTunis, Tunisia

Application Deadline15October2017

Type of ContractInternship

Post Level: n/a

Languages Required: French / English

Starting Date: 01 November2017
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)

Duration of Contract: 6 months


UNDP Tunisia is looking for Information Communications Technology (ICT) Assistant Intern.

Students from ICT or similar discipline are welcome to apply, and depending on qualifications, shall be selected for internships. Internships will allow the successful candidates to have the opportunity to work in a multi-cultural international organization.

General Conditions


Internship assignments vary in length according to the availability and academic requirements of the intern, as well as the needs of UNDP. However, they will normally last no less than six weeks and no more than six months.

Internship assignments are available on a part-time and full-time basis throughout the year, depending on the availability of meaningful assignments and the needs and capacity of offices to receive and supervise interns.

Interns’ Expenses

Interns are not financially remunerated by UNDP.

All costs connected with an intern’s participation in the programme must be borne by:

  • The nominating institution, related institution or government, which may provide the required financial assistance to its students;
  • The student, who will have to obtain financing for subsistence and make his/her own arrangements for travel (including to and from the office), visas, accommodation, etc.


UNDP accepts no responsibility for the medical and life insurance of the intern or costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship.

Applicants for internship must show proof of valid medical and life/accident insurance for the duty station for which they will work. It must include adequate coverage in the event of an injury or illness during the internship which:

  • Requires transportation to the Home Country or Country of Residence for further treatment
  • Results in death and requires preparation and return of the remains to the Home Country, or Country of Residence.

Third-party claims:

UNDP is not responsible for any claims by any parties where the loss of or damage to their property, death or personal injury was caused by the actions or omission of action by the interns during the internship.

Subsequent Employment

The purpose of the Internship Programme is not to lead to further employment with UNDP but to complement an intern’s studies. Therefore, there should be no expectation of employment at the end of an internship. Should an offer of employment be envisaged, a 3-month break, from the end of the internship, must be respected. Interns cannot apply for posts during the period of internship.


  • Interns are considered gratis personnel. They are not staff members.
  • Interns may not be sought or accepted as substitutes for staff to be recruited against authorized posts.
  • Interns may not represent UNDP in any official capacity.


Summary of key activities:

The ICT Assistant Intern will assist the ICT Manager of UNDP Tunisia to provide ICT support to the Country Offices and Projects. It includes development of guidelines, standards and templates in the following areas:

  • Assist for the support to staff and day-to-day tasks
  • Assist in setup, configuration and maintenance of desktops, mobiles, printers, systems and applications;
  • Assist for development Network Topology;
  • Assist for setup IP Telephony;
  • Assist for troubleshooting WAN and ISP Connectivity (satellite, fiber optic link, FH etc.);
  • Assist for implementation for a new inventory application of the ICT Assets.


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Interested in working in an international organization;
  • Able to communicate effectively with the ability to work independently and in a team
  • Good in organizing and structuring various tasks and responsibilities
  • Fluent in written and spoken French. Knowledge of other UN languages is an advantage
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Responds positively to feedback and differing points of view
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Enjoys sharing knowledge and experience.
  • Enrolled in a bachelor/master programme in a graduate school (second university degree or higher) at the time of application and during the internship (if a candidate is graduating before the internship period begins, they are no longer eligible
  • Pursuing their university/college studies, having completed at least four years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of a degree, if pursuing their studies in countries where higher education is not divided into undergraduate and graduate stages
  • Not have graduated prior to the beginning of the internship

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